Prepare Your House for Fall



Prepare Your House for FallSeptember is National Preparedness Month and the 23rd is the first official day of autumn. It is the perfect time to be wondering about how prepared your house is for this coming winter. Preparing now with routine maintenance and repairs can you save you money and a lot of inconvenience when you least expect it.

Replace your windows – It’s important to make sure that your windows are sealed properly and have a proper level of insulation to make sure your heater can keep up with the lowering temperature outside. If your heat is leaking through cracked panes or ill-fitted sills, your heating system will waste a lot of energy (and money) trying to compensate.

Heating tune-ups – Autumn means that cold weather is approaching and tune-ups ensure that your heater is prepared to keep you warm. While your heater is off during the warmer months, it accumulates dust and dirt, which is what makes that burning smell when you first turn the system on for the year. Routine tune-ups will remove that fire hazard as well as make sure that your heater is in proper working order.

Clean your gardening tools – This one may seem like common sense but it’s easy to forget that your gardening tools and lawn mower will be sitting all winter. Cleaning grass cuttings, dirt and draining your mower’s gas will help it start easier when you next need it.

Inspect your roof and gutters – Your roof and gutters need to be in tip-top shape in the winter because of added weight due to snow and dead leaves. No one wants to be caught with a personal avalanche in their living room! Have a roofing professional inspect your roof for weak spots or leaks.

Make sure your plumbing is prepared – Anyone who has had frozen water pipes knows how frustrating not being prepared is. Make sure that all of your outdoor faucets aren’t leaking and that any exposed pipes are insulated and covered so they won’t freeze. Make sure that your water heater is clear of sediment and debris because it will be working harder in cold weather. If you leave for an extended amount of time, try to remember to shut off your main water valve.

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